Genset OEM
December 20, 2021

WFM with OSS Integration
December 20, 2021Invendis helped One of the biggest Poultry Farms in India with 1.1MW PV Power plant equiped to power up the near town. With a case of scarce grid power and difficulty in maintaining an efficient plant operation, The plant did not have proper visibility or preventive maintenance to upkeep stable exported power and also to maintain a reliable billing system.
Since the PV Plant is intended to provide a constant and reliable power source to feed the end users, it was critical to integrate intelligent monitoring system for real time data and proactive management and control. Thus, With Invendis long history in providing remote monitoring solution for different Solar PV plants, Invendis approached the customer to provide an End-to-End solution to have full site visiibility and accurate real time data of the PV plant.
Solution Overview
•Installed Invendis smart iSense panel. •connected/communicated/integrated iSense panel with all the solar inverters . •installed Irradiance and invironmental sensors. •designed and configured a username protected online platform for the PV plant owners to securely monitor their assets.
Invendis experts ensured that the solution was delivered as promised and in a timely manner. Providing the PV plant owner with plant full visibility via an online platform showing real-time data of Energy generation, power parameters, Inverters parameters, environmental parameters, alarms, and charts and reports. The plant owner was also able to reliably and comfortbly bill their end users accuratly and in a timely manner.