i- Single phase Meters
Invendis Single-phase electricity meters are designed essentially to measure energy consumption. This helps utilities better manage customer services and encourage consumers to embrace energy-savvy behaviour to optimize their costs.
Energy meters used in homes or in small scale industrial application facilitates in keeping a check on energy consumption. This benefits in controlling unnecessary power usage & also helps in protecting appliances from controlling fluctuations in power outages.

ET - 0054
Single Phase Energy meter
Ideal for monitoring energy usage of individual load.
Retrofit unit with 15A socket to monitor energy usage of any electronic appliances
unique energy reset feature allows the user to keep a track of energy spend across different appliances
Ideal for monitoring home appliances, machinery loads in small scale/ SME industries
Usage :
Home Appliances Energy Monitoring requirements
Small Scale Industries / SME
Industries - To calculate machine load up to 280V
Technical Specifications
Type - Single Phase AC
Class - 1.0
Segment - Energy Measurement
Current Range - 0 to 15A
Voltage Range - 85 to 280V
Humidity: <95% non-condensing
Auxilliary Power - Self powered
Display - Single Row 4 digit 7 segment LED.
Captures - V, I, kW & kWh
Additional Feature - Comes with 15A Socket and a Switch.
End Application - Individual Equipment Load Monitoring.

Applications / Usage
Household and industrial appliances
Appliance energy monitoring with energy reset
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Panels