INVENDIS TOWER OPERATIONS AUTOMATION SUITE(ITOAS) is specially designed to automate multiple aspects of your Telecom Tower Operations and help you achieve your business objectives. This suite of products has been developed to help TELCOs/ TOWERCOs to overcome typical telecom tower field operational challenges. By offering these solutions in a SaaS model, Invendis is providing customer to acquire latest technology quickly and affordably and no longer incur CAPEX costs such IT infrastructure, maintenance, upgrades etc. Furthermore, SaaS also helps in reducing time to benefit, while extending scalability.
INVENDIS TOWER OPERATIONS AUTOMATION SUITE is an enterprise class software platform, designed to serve as the backbone for monitoring, controlling, operations and management of the distributed infrastructure passive elements of a telecom tower.
The application enables alarm monitoring and other fault conditions that may have an impact on the level and quality of service provided by telecom operators or towerco’s. It enables troubleshooting, communication with the operations team, site technicians, and in tracking alarms for resolution and eventually optimizing MTTR.
It can notify via SMS/ email and escalate alarms to the appropriate field personnel or technicians to remedy the problem. To optimize ‘Turn Around Time’, notifications are escalated in a hierarchical format if they are not resolved within specific time frames.

Incident and Corrective Maintenance:
Automatic trouble tickets can be generated based on OSS/RMS event feeds, with the option of correlating alarms to generate one trouble ticket for a specified list of events.
Process driven functionalities
Network Operations Centre (NOC) Front Office
- Incident Management
- Site Access and Security
Preventative and Corrective Maintenance scheduling
Asset Management
Change Management
Energy Management (Fuel and Grid)
Site Lease and Rent Management
Colocation and Tenancy Management
Operations and Maintenance Management

SLA Performance
Partner SLA
Ad hoc reporting

Additional functionality
Integration to OSS
Mobile and mobility application interface
Document Management