Smart Distribution Panel Meters
Invendis Smart multifunction distribution panel meters monitors and measures all electrical parameters such as voltage, current, power factor, active power, apparent power, reactive power, Active energy etc. Our meters facilitate distribution panels with exact, accurate and reliable measurements.

ET - 3010
Counter Type Energy Meters for Generator and Sub Metering
Accumulated value of energy of linked electrical load
Usage :
Distribution panels/ Electrical panels
Monitoring and maintenance of electrical systems
Technical Specifications
Configuration: 3 Phase, 3 Element, 1 Phase or 3 Phase Nominal: 415v LT (L-L)
Input current: Factory set
Temperature: 0-50° C
-- ± (0.5% of FS + 0.5% of Rdg + 1 digit)
-- ± 1.0% of FS for Current
Range - 80% to 120% of Nominal
Humidity: <95% non-condensing
Mounting: Slide and Lock clamp
Warranty: 15 months from date of Manufacturer OR 12 months from date of sale, whichever is earlier

ET - 4001
Multi-function meter for power distribution panels
voltage, current, frequency, power and energy of the linked electrical load.
Suitable for 1Ph- 2Wire / 3P 3 wire -3P 4 wire system.
Can sense current from external CT (configurable)
Accurate & Reliable with RMS measurement
Usage :
Electrical distribution panel to manage power distribution.
Sub metering and can be used for billing tenants.
Centralised Power management when interfaced with SCADA / Dataloggers.
Technical Specifications
Configuration: 1/3 Phase, 3 Element; 3 / 4 Wire (Note Order code)
Input V Nominal: 415 V LT or 110 V through PT (line to line)
-- ± (0.5% of FS + 0.5% of Rdg + 1 digit)
-- ± 0.2% for Frequency
-- ± 1.0% of FS for Current
Isolation: 2000 V AC for one minute
Display: Displays of 3-digit, 12.5 mm, 7 segment, super-bright LEDs / LCD Display
Safety: Measurement Category III, Pollution Degree 2 as per EN61010-1 First Edition
Frequency: 0.1 Hz
Power: autoscaling depending on input
Power Factor: 0.01
Energy: 1 kWH upto 866 kW
10 kWH above 866 kW

ET - 4021
Multi-function meter for power distribution panels
RS232 communication for meter and the data logger / PLC.
voltage, current, frequency, power and energy of the linked electrical load
Suitable for 1Ph- 2Wire / 3P 3 wire -3P 4 wire system.
Can sense current from external CT (configurable)
Accurate & Reliable with RMS measurement
Usage :
Electrical distribution panel to manage power distribution.
Sub metering and can be used for billing tenants.
Centralised Power management when interfaced with SCADA / Dataloggers.
Technical Specifications
Configuration: 1/3 Phase, 3 Element; 3 / 4 Wire (Note Order code)
Input V Nominal: 415 V LT or 110 V through PT (line to line)
Input I Nominal: 5 A or 1 A through CT
Computation: True RMS for all Power & Energy Parameters
-- ± (0.5% of FS + 0.5% of Rdg + 1 digit)
-- ± 0.2% for Frequency
-- ± 1.0% of FS for Current
Isolation: 2000 V AC for one minute
Safety: Measurement Category III, Pollution Degree 2 as per EN61010-1 First Edition
Frequency: 0.1 Hz
Power: autoscaling depending on input
Power Factor: 0.01
Aux Supply: 85 - 270 V AC or DC
Energy: Increments 1 kWH upto 866 kW and 10 kWH above 866 kW
RS232 Serial Interface for external system interfacing.
Dimension: 96 x 96 mm (Bezel), x 52 mm
Mounting: Slide and Lock clamp
Ambient: Temp. 0-50 deg C, RH < 95% non-condensing

ET - 4041
Multi-function meter for power distribution panels
Serial communication for data logger interface.
Voltage, current, frequency, power and energy of the linked electrical load
Suitable for 1Ph- 2Wire
Can sense current from external CT (configurable) – 5 A or 1 A through CT
AAccurate & Reliable with RMS measurement
Usage :
Electrical distribution panel to manage power distribution.
Sub metering and can be used for billing tenants.
Centralised Power management when interfaced with SCADA / Dataloggers.
Technical Specifications
Configuration: 1/3 Phase
Input V Nominal: 415 V LT (Line to Line)
Input I Nominal: 5 A or 1 A through CT
Computation: True RMS for all Power & Energy Parameters
-- ± (0.5% of FS + 0.5% of Rdg + 1 digit)
-- ± 0.2% for Frequency
-- ± 1.0% of FS for Current
Isolation: 2000 V AC for one minute
Safety: Measurement Category III, Pollution Degree 2 as per EN61010-1 First Edition
Frequency: 0.1 Hz
Power: autoscaling depending on input
Power Factor: 0.01
Aux Supply: 85 - 270 V AC or DC
Energy: Increments 1 kWH upto 866 kW and 10 kWH above 866 kW
RS232 Serial Interface for external system interfacing.
Dimension: 96 x 96 mm (Bezel), x 52 mm
Mounting: Slide and Lock clamp
Ambient: Temp. 0-50 deg C, RH < 95% non-condensing

ET – 5001
Multi-function meter for power distribution panels
Serial communication for data logger interface.
Optional BACnet port and measurement of Max. Demand and THD of the system.
Voltage, current, frequency, power, and energy of the linked electrical load
Suitable for 1Ph- 2Wire / 3P 3 wire -3P 4 wire system.
Can sense current from external CT (configurable) – Supports 20A
Usage :
Electrical distribution panel to manage power distribution.
Find application in Energy Management with analysis considering Maximum Demand, THD and its effects.
Sub metering and can be used for billing tenants.
Centralised Power management when interfaced with SCADA / Dataloggers
Technical Specifications
Configuration: 1/3 Phase, 3 Element; 3 / 4 Wire (Note Order code)
Input V Nominal: 415 V LT or 110 V through PT (line to line)
Input I Nominal: 5 A or 1 A through CT
Computation: True RMS for all Power & Energy Parameters
Supports Demand computation and captures Max Demand.
-- ± (0.5% of FS + 0.5% of Rdg + 1 digit)
-- ± 0.2% for Frequency
-- ± 1.0% of FS for Current
Isolation: 2000 V AC for one minute
Safety: Measurement Category III, Pollution Degree 2 as per EN61010-1 First Edition
Frequency: 0.1 Hz
Power: autoscaling depending on input
Power Factor: 0.01
Aux Supply: 85 - 270 V AC or DC
Energy: Increments 1 kWH upto 866 kW and 10 kWH above 866 kW
RS485 / BACnet Interface for external system interfacing.
Dimension: 96 x 96 mm (Bezel), x 52 mm
Mounting: Slide and Lock clamp
Ambient: Temp. 0-50 deg C, RH < 95% non-condensing

Applications / Usage
Motor control centres
Control Panels
Genset Panels
Power distribution panels
Domestic appliances
Electronic equipment
Power Supplies
Wiring system